Finding the Perfect Spot for Your Baby Monitor

Finding the Perfect Spot for Your Baby Monitor

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When it comes to ensuring the safety and well-being of your baby, a baby monitor is an indispensable tool. It allows you to keep a watchful eye on your little one even when you are not in the same room, providing you with peace of mind. However, finding the perfect spot for your baby monitor can be a bit challenging. It's not as simple as just placing it anywhere in the room. The location of the monitor can significantly impact its performance and the quality of the audio and video feed it provides. In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss the best positions and places to put your baby monitor to ensure optimal performance and peace of mind.

Why is the placement of a baby monitor important?

Before we dive into the specifics of where to put your baby monitor, let's first understand why its placement is so crucial. The placement of a baby monitor affects its performance and the quality of the audio and video feed it provides. Placing it in the wrong spot can result in distorted audio, poor video quality, or even signal interference.

For instance, if the monitor is placed too far from the crib, the audio and video quality may be compromised, making it difficult for you to clearly see or hear your baby. On the other hand, if the monitor is placed too close to the crib, it could pose a safety hazard for your baby.

Moreover, the placement of the monitor can also affect its signal strength. If the monitor is placed near other electronic devices, it could interfere with the signal, causing it to drop out or become distorted. Therefore, it is essential to find the perfect spot for your baby monitor to ensure you can monitor your baby effectively and efficiently.

Best positions for a baby monitor

1. Mount it on the wall

One of the best positions for a baby monitor is to mount it on the wall. By mounting it on the wall, you can ensure that it is at a height that provides a clear and unobstructed view of your baby's crib. This position also helps to prevent any accidental falls or damage to the monitor, as it is out of reach of curious little hands.

Our universal camera monitor mount is a great accessory to add to your nursery as it allows for more flexibility when trying to mount your baby camera onto uneven surfaces.

When mounting the monitor on the wall, make sure to position it at a distance that allows you to see the entire crib without any obstructions. You should be able to see your baby clearly, as well as any other items in the crib, such as blankets or toys.

2. Place it on a shelf or dresser

If mounting the baby monitor on the wall is not an option, placing it on a shelf or dresser near the crib is another good position. This position allows you to easily adjust the angle of the monitor to get the best view of your baby.

However, when placing the monitor on a shelf or dresser, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure to position it at a height that provides a clear view of your baby. Avoid placing it too close to the crib, as it may obstruct your view or pose a safety hazard. Additionally, ensure that the shelf or dresser is stable and secure to prevent any accidents.

3. Use a tabletop stand

Some baby monitors come with a tabletop stand that allows you to place them on any flat surface. This can be a convenient option if you want to move the monitor around the room or take it with you when traveling.

When using a tabletop stand, place the monitor on a stable surface, such as a nightstand or a table, ensuring that it is positioned at a height that provides a clear view of your baby. Make sure the surface is flat and stable to prevent the monitor from tipping over.

Where to place the baby monitor in the room

Now that we have discussed the best positions for a baby monitor, let's talk about where to place it in the room for optimal performance.

1. Avoid placing it near other electronic devices

Electronic devices such as Wi-Fi routers, cordless phones, or microwave ovens can interfere with the signal of your baby monitor. This interference can cause the signal to drop out or become distorted, affecting the quality of the audio and video feed.

To ensure a clear and uninterrupted signal, avoid placing the monitor near these devices. Keep it at a distance from any potential sources of interference. If possible, try to place the monitor on a different wall or side of the room from these devices.

2. Consider the range of the baby monitor

Most baby monitors have a specified range within which they can transmit audio and video signals. This range is usually indicated in the product specifications. Make sure to place the monitor within this range to ensure optimal performance.

If you need to monitor your baby from a different room, consider investing in a baby monitor with a longer range or using a Wi-Fi-enabled monitor that can be accessed through your smartphone. These types of monitors allow you to monitor your baby from anywhere in your home, or even from outside your home, providing you with greater flexibility and peace of mind.

3. Test the signal strength

Before finalizing the placement of your baby monitor, it is essential to test the signal strength in different areas of the room. Walk around with the receiver unit to check if there are any areas with weak or no signal. This will help you identify the best spot for the monitor where you can get a strong and consistent signal.


Finding the perfect spot for your baby monitor is crucial for ensuring the safety and well-being of your baby. By following the tips and guidelines mentioned in this article, you can find the best positions and places to put your baby monitor. Remember to consider factors such as the height, stability, and signal strength when deciding where to place the monitor. With the right placement, you can have peace of mind knowing that you can keep an eye on your little one at all times, ensuring their safety and your peace of mind.