What to do When Your Toddler Climbs Out of the Crib

What to do When Your Toddler Climbs Out of the Crib

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As a parent, you may have experienced the panic and fear that comes with finding your toddler has climbed out of their crib. This can be a scary and dangerous situation, but it is also a sign that your child is growing and developing. So, what should you do when your toddler starts climbing out of the crib?

In this article, we will discuss why toddlers climb out of cribs, the potential dangers, and what steps you can take to keep your child safe.

Why Do Toddlers Climb Out of Cribs?

Toddlers are naturally curious and adventurous, and climbing out of the crib is just another way for them to explore their surroundings. It is also a sign that they are developing physically and mentally. As they grow, they become more aware of their abilities and may want to test their limits.

Another reason for climbing out of the crib could be that your toddler is ready for a big kid bed. They may feel confined in the crib and want more freedom to move around. This is a natural progression and a sign that your child is growing up.

The Dangers of Toddler Climbing Out of Crib

While it may seem cute and harmless at first, there are potential dangers that come with your toddler climbing out of the crib. The most obvious danger is the risk of falling and getting injured. Toddlers are still developing their coordination and balance, so a fall from the crib can result in serious injuries.

Another danger is that your child may wander around the house unsupervised, which can lead to accidents or getting into things they shouldn't. This is especially concerning if you have stairs or other hazards in your home.

What to Do When Your Toddler Starts Climbing Out of the Crib

If your toddler has started climbing out of the crib, it is important to take action to keep them safe. Here are some steps you can take:

Lower the Crib Mattress

The first thing you should do is lower the crib mattress to the lowest setting. This will make it more difficult for your child to climb out of the crib. However, keep in mind that determined toddlers may still find a way to climb out.

Use a Sleep Sack

A sleep sack is a wearable blanket that zips up and keeps your child's legs contained. This can make it more difficult for them to climb out of the crib. It also provides warmth and comfort for your child while they sleep.

Try a Crib Tent

A crib tent is a mesh cover that goes over the top of the crib, preventing your child from climbing out. It also keeps them contained and safe while they sleep. However, some parents may find this option to be too confining for their child.

Transition to a Toddler Bed

If your child is consistently climbing out of the crib, it may be time to transition to a toddler bed. This will give them the freedom to get in and out of bed on their own, reducing the risk of falls. However, this option may not be suitable for all toddlers, as some may not be ready for a big kid bed yet.

Tips for Keeping Your Toddler Safe in a Toddler Bed

If you have decided to transition your toddler to a big kid bed, here are some tips to keep them safe:

Use a Video Baby Monitor

Using a video baby monitor is a great way to keep an eye on your toddler when they transition to a big kid bed. It allows you to monitor their movements and ensure their safety, especially if they have a habit of climbing out of the crib.

By placing a video baby monitor in your toddler's bedroom, you can easily keep track of their activities without having to physically be in the room. This can be particularly useful during nap times or at night when you want to make sure they stay in bed and don't wander off.

Use a Bed Rail

A bed rail is a barrier that goes on the side of the bed to prevent your child from falling out. This is especially helpful if your child is used to the confinement of a crib.

Childproof the Room

Make sure the room is safe for your child to explore. This includes covering electrical outlets, securing furniture to the wall, and removing any potential hazards.

Establish a Bedtime Routine

A consistent bedtime routine can help your child feel secure and comfortable in their new bed. This can include reading a bedtime story, singing a lullaby, or any other calming activities.

Be Patient and Persistent

It may take some time for your child to adjust to their new bed. Be patient and persistent, and continue to reinforce the rules and boundaries around bedtime.

What Not to Do When Your Toddler Climbs Out of the Crib

While it may be tempting to try and keep your child in the crib for as long as possible, there are some things you should avoid doing when your toddler starts climbing out of the crib:

Don't Use a Bumper Pad

Bumper pads are often used in cribs to prevent your child from getting their arms or legs stuck between the slats. However, they can also be a suffocation hazard if your child rolls into them while sleeping.

Don't Use a Crib Tent Without Proper Supervision

While a crib tent can be an effective way to keep your child contained, it is important to supervise them while they are in it. If your child gets tangled in the mesh or the zipper, it can be dangerous.

Don't Ignore the Problem

It may be tempting to ignore the fact that your child is climbing out of the crib, especially if they are not getting hurt. However, this behavior can become a habit and lead to more dangerous situations in the future.


In conclusion, it is important to take action when your toddler starts climbing out of the crib. Lowering the crib mattress, using a sleep sack, or transitioning to a toddler bed are all options to consider. It is also important to childproof the room and establish a bedtime routine to keep your child safe in their new bed. Remember to be patient and persistent, and always prioritize your child's safety.