Where to Put Your Baby Monitor in Your Nursery

Where to Put Your Baby Monitor in Your Nursery

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As a new parent, you want to make sure your baby is safe and sound at all times, especially when they are sleeping. That's where a baby monitor comes in handy. But where exactly should you place your baby monitor in the nursery?

In this article, we'll discuss the best placement for your baby monitor and why it's important for your baby's safety and your peace of mind.

Why is Baby Monitor Placement Important?

Before we dive into the best placement for your baby monitor, let's first understand why it's important.

A baby monitor allows you to keep an eye on your baby while they are sleeping or playing in their nursery. It gives you the ability to hear and see your baby, providing you with peace of mind and allowing you to respond quickly if your baby needs you.

However, if your baby monitor is not placed in the right spot, it may not be as effective in monitoring your baby's movements and sounds. This can lead to missed alerts and potential safety hazards for your baby.

Strategic Positioning for Optimal Monitoring

The key to effective baby monitor placement is strategic positioning. This means placing the monitor in a spot that allows you to see and hear your baby clearly, without any obstructions or interference.

The ideal placement for your baby monitor is where you can get a full view of your baby's crib and the surrounding area. This will allow you to see if your baby is sleeping peacefully or if they need your attention.

Where to Place Your Baby Monitor in the Nursery

Now that we understand the importance of strategic positioning, let's discuss the best spots to place your baby monitor in the nursery.

On a Shelf or Dresser

One of the most common places to put a baby monitor is on a shelf or dresser in the nursery. This allows you to get a good view of your baby's crib and the surrounding area.

Make sure to place the monitor at a height that allows you to see the entire crib without any obstructions. You can also angle the monitor downwards for a better view of your baby.

On the Wall

Another option is to mount your baby monitor on the wall. This is a great option if you have limited shelf or dresser space in the nursery.

When mounting the monitor, make sure it is securely attached to the wall and angled towards the crib for optimal viewing. You can also use a wall mount with a swivel feature to adjust the angle of the monitor as needed.

On a Crib Rail

Some baby monitors come with a clip or attachment that allows you to attach it to the crib rail, such as our universal crib mount. This is a convenient option as it keeps the monitor close to your baby and allows you to see them from a different angle.

However, make sure the monitor is securely attached and does not pose a safety hazard for your baby. Also, avoid placing the monitor too close to your baby's face to prevent any potential harm.

On a Nightstand or Side Table

If your nursery has a nightstand or side table, you can also place your baby monitor on it. This will give you a good view of your baby and allow you to easily adjust the angle of the monitor as needed.

Just make sure the monitor is not too close to any other electronic devices that may cause interference.

Tips for Effective Baby Monitor Placement

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind when placing your baby monitor in the nursery:

Avoid Placing the Monitor Too Close to Your Baby

While it may be tempting to place the monitor right next to your baby, it's important to avoid this. The monitor should be at least three feet away from your baby's crib to prevent any potential harm.

Keep the Monitor Away from Cords and Wires

Make sure to keep the monitor away from any cords or wires in the nursery. This will prevent any potential hazards and ensure the monitor is not obstructed.

Test the Monitor Before Placing It

Before deciding on a final placement for your baby monitor, it's important to test it out in different spots in the nursery. This will help you determine the best location for optimal monitoring.

Consider Using Multiple Monitors

If your nursery is large or has multiple areas where your baby may be, consider using multiple monitors. This will allow you to keep an eye on your baby from different angles and ensure you don't miss anything.


Placing your baby monitor in the right spot is crucial for effective monitoring and your baby's safety. By strategically positioning your monitor in the nursery, you can ensure you have a clear view of your baby at all times.

Consider the different options for placement and test out the monitor before deciding on a final spot. With the right placement, you can have peace of mind knowing your baby is safe and sound while they sleep.