How to Keep Toddler in Bed the Entire Night

How to Keep Toddler in Bed the Entire Night

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As a parent, one of the most challenging tasks is getting your toddler to sleep through the night. After months of co-sleeping, it can be difficult to transition your toddler to their own bed. However, with the right techniques and consistency, you can successfully sleep train your toddler and enjoy a full night's rest. In this article, we'll discuss how to keep your toddler in bed the entire night and provide tips for sleep training after co-sleeping.

Why Is Sleep Training Important?

Sleep training is the process of teaching your child to fall asleep and stay asleep on their own. It is an essential skill for both children and parents, as it promotes healthy sleep habits and allows for uninterrupted rest. For toddlers, sleep training can also improve their mood, behavior, and overall development.

Transitioning from Co-Sleeping

Co-sleeping, or sharing a bed with your child, is a common practice for many families. However, as your child grows older, it's important to transition them to their own bed for safety reasons and to promote independence. This transition can be challenging, but with patience and consistency, it can be successful.

Tips for Sleep Training a Toddler After Co-Sleeping

Start with a Bedtime Routine

Establishing a consistent bedtime routine is crucial for sleep training. This routine should include activities such as a bath, reading a book, and singing a lullaby. By following the same routine every night, your toddler will learn that it's time for bed and will begin to relax and prepare for sleep.

Create a Comfortable Sleep Environment

Make sure your toddler's bedroom is conducive to sleep. This means keeping the room dark, quiet, and at a comfortable temperature. You can also use white noise machines or soft music to drown out any outside noises that may disrupt your child's sleep. Our Baby Mood Lite is a great tool that allows you to monitor your toddler during the night while also providing a soothing night light, soothing sounds and has a built-in sleep trainer.

Be Consistent with Bedtime

Consistency is key when it comes to sleep training. Set a specific bedtime and stick to it every night. This will help your toddler's body adjust to a regular sleep schedule and make it easier for them to fall asleep on their own.

Use Positive Reinforcement

Praise and reward your child for staying in their bed all night. This can be in the form of stickers, a special toy, or extra cuddles in the morning. Positive reinforcement will motivate your child to continue sleeping in their own bed.

Be Patient and Persistent

Sleep training takes time and patience. Your child may resist at first, but it's important to remain consistent and persistent. Eventually, they will learn to fall asleep on their own and stay in their bed all night.

Sleep Training for Toddlers 18 Months and Older

Gradual Withdrawal Method

For toddlers 18 months and older, the gradual withdrawal method can be an effective way to sleep train. This method involves gradually reducing your presence in your child's room until they can fall asleep on their own. Start by sitting next to their bed until they fall asleep, then move to a chair in the room, and eventually to the doorway. This method can take several weeks, but it allows your child to feel secure and gradually learn to fall asleep without your presence.

The Cry-It-Out Method

The cry-it-out method, also known as the Ferber Method, involves letting your child cry for a set amount of time before checking on them. This method can be difficult for parents, but it can be effective for toddlers who have a hard time falling asleep on their own. Start with a short amount of time, such as 5 minutes, and gradually increase the time before checking on your child. This method can take a few days to a week to see results, but it can be successful in teaching your child to self-soothe and fall asleep on their own.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Night Wakings

It's common for toddlers to wake up in the middle of the night and call for their parents. When this happens, it's important to remain consistent and not give in to their demands. Comfort your child with a quick hug or kiss, but avoid picking them up or bringing them into your bed. This will reinforce the idea that they need to stay in their own bed to sleep.

Early Morning Wake-Ups

If your child is waking up too early in the morning, it may be a sign that they are not getting enough sleep at night. Make sure their bedtime is early enough and that they are getting the recommended amount of sleep for their age. You can also use blackout curtains to keep their room dark and encourage them to stay in bed until a reasonable wake-up time.


It's common for toddlers to experience sleep regression, where they suddenly have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. This can be caused by changes in routine, illness, or developmental milestones. When this happens, it's important to remain consistent with your sleep training methods and reassure your child that they are safe and loved.


Sleep training a toddler after co-sleeping can be a challenging process, but with the right techniques and consistency, it can be successful. Remember to establish a bedtime routine, create a comfortable sleep environment, and be patient and persistent. With time, your child will learn to fall asleep and stay asleep on their own, allowing for a peaceful night's rest for the whole family.